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Post Extractions Care

  • The freezing will last for 1-2 hours in the top jaw, and 3-4 hours in the bottom jaw (avoid eating anything hard or too hot in temperature during this time).

  • Your child will leave the office with gauze packed into the extraction socket, which can be removed after 20 minutes. If the gauze is relatively dry, you do not need to place more gauze into the mouth.

  • Bleeding may resume over the next 1-2 days. If this occurs, fold up a piece of gauze and place it into your child’s extraction socket. Have them to bite hard for a minimum of 10 minutes. This should stop the bleeding.

  • It’s best to give your child something for pain ie. Tylenol as per the instructions on the bottle as soon as you get home so that they are comfortable when the freezing wears off. The number of doses you give will depend on the procedure as well as your child.

  • Your child may eat/drink as soon as they get home. Soft bland foods are recommended (bananas, oatmeal, eggs, ice cream, yogurt, room temperature soup) for 1-2 days. Avoid spicy and acidic foods for 1-2 days (citrus fruits, tomato sauce, ketchup etc).

  • Avoid using straws for 2-3 days as the suction can cause loss of the blood clot and may cause bleeding.

  • Avoid rinsing your mouth or spitting for 1-2 days as this can cause the clot to dislodge.

  • Avoid intense physical activity for 1-2 days as a rise in the heart rate and blood pressure can cause increased blood flow to the extraction socket.

  • Your child may go back to school the day after their dental extraction.

  • You child may resume brushing the next day. Care should be taken to avoid the extraction socket.

  • If sutures were placed, they will dissolve on their own within 7-14 days.